City reception
May 3, 2006

Merrill Lynch reception
May 4, 2006

Roy Saper speaking with the Greater
Lansing Convention and Visitor's Bureau
May 5, 2006

Greater Lansing Convention
and Visitor's Bureau Reception
May 5, 2006

Charlotte High School Art Club
Picasso tour
May 6, 2006

Roy Saper speaking with Michigan State
Friends of Kresge Art Museum
May 6, 2006

Some of more than 500 who visited during
the Picasso exhibition opening
May 7, 2006

Roy Saper's tour at the Picasso
exhibition opening
May 7, 2006

Roy Saper explaining the 1968 etchings at
the Picasso exhibition opening
May 7, 2006

Fowlerville High School students at Saper
May 9, 2006

Book Club gathering at the Picasso
exhibition, May 12, 2006

The women of "Spart2zzz" enjoy the
Picasso exhibition
May 17, 2006

Haslett High School art students with Roy after
a tour of the exhibition, May 24, 2006.
The two-sided banners you saw on the
lamp posts in downtown East Lansing are now
available for purchase. At seven-feet
tall they may be perfect for that narrow wall
above your staircase. You can pick one
up or have us ship you one now for $100 each
by contacting
gallery now. Only 40 are available

Portuguese-speaking visitors from Brazil
enjoyed the exhibition Sunday, June 4,
2006. (Art transcends all languages!)

Friends after enjoying a walking tour of
the exhibition with Roy, Sunday, June 4, 2006.

The Champagne and Strawberries
fund-raiser benefiting the Greater Lansing Food
Bank, June 6, 2006.

Supporters celebrating the 25th
anniversary of the Greater Lansing Food Bank and
Hunger Awareness Day, June 6, 2006.

Students from the Okemos Montessori
Radmoor school added to their knowledge about
Picasso, June 7, 2006

Visitors from Kalamazoo came to see the
June 10, 2006.

Our friends from Burcham Hills Retirement
Center learned about Picasso, June 14, 2006

The Second Monday Art Group from
Michigan visited the exhibition, June 22, 2006

Registered dietitians from Sparrow
Hospital find food for the soul at Saper
Galleries, June 26, 2006

Some of the guests who enjoyed the final
walking tour of the exhibition on Sunday, July
2, 2006!